
Lore Free Stream imdb id tt5038134 Without Sign Up no login






  • Actor - Sean Wei Mah
  • writer - Brock Manwill
  • USA
  • runtime - 109 Min
  • genres - Thriller

YouTube LORE.


I love how all the characters have a different perspective on certain like in real life. By ordering or viewing, you agree to our Terms. Sold by Services LLC., October 13, 2017 39min TV-14 Subtitles Subtitles English [CC] Audio Languages Audio Languages English Before we knew how disease spread, medicine was as much superstition as it was science. And in the small New England towns of the1800s, there is a belief that consumption can only be stopped by making sure the dead are actually dead. October 13, 2017 39min TV-14 Subtitles Subtitles English [CC] Audio Languages Audio Languages English Dr. Walter Freeman is the father of the icepick lobotomy. He believes the ten-minute procedure will all but end the need for the mental hospital. He has the best of intentions but winds up creating an entirely new kind of horror story. October 13, 2017 46min TV-14 Subtitles Subtitles English [CC] Audio Languages Audio Languages English In 19th century Ireland, folklore has a strong hold. Michael Cleary is convinced his wife, Bridget, has been replaced by a fairy called a changeling. And his belief drives him to the most extreme act … October 13, 2017 48min TV-14 Subtitles Subtitles English [CC] Audio Languages Audio Languages English In 19th century America, at the height of the Spiritualist Movement, a haunted house is not just the stuff of ghost stories. Many believe the dead can talk and, sometimes, will come back from the other side to wreak havoc on the living. October 13, 2017 35min TV-14 Subtitles Subtitles English [CC] Audio Languages Audio Languages English Werewolves are now movie monsters. But they were once thought to be all too real. In 1589, villagers in Bedburg, Germany, are convinced that a werewolf is killing women and children only to discover the killer is really one of their own. October 13, 2017 41min TV-14 Subtitles Subtitles English [CC] Audio Languages Audio Languages English Robert Gene Otto is a child without friends. That is, until he receives a doll as a gift. He names the doll after himself, Robert. They become fast friends and soon the boy believes the doll is real. But to everyone else … Robert the Doll is a curse. August 14, 2017 32sec TV-14 Subtitles Subtitles English [CC] Audio Languages Audio Languages English Based on the podcast phenomenon and narrated by creator Aaron Mahnke, this haunting six-episode anthology series is brought to life by an executive producer of The Walking Dead and an executive producer of The X-Files. Throughout history, fear was best kept buried. But folklore opens the door, allowing stories to creep inside and haunt us. September 13, 2017 2min TV-14 Subtitles Subtitles English [CC] Audio Languages Audio Languages English Based on real people and events, the podcast phenomenon comes to life with 6 terrifying stories from an Executive Producer of The Walking Dead and an Executive Producer of The X-files. Stream Lore Friday the 13th of October.

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Oh my GOD u compiled so much information, well done. Episodes Lore: Season 1 Videos Tv Season Info Based on the podcast phenomenon and narrated by creator Aaron Mahnke, this haunting six-episode anthology series is brought to life by the executive producer of The Walking Dead and the executive producer of The X-Files. Throughout history, fear was best kept buried. But folklore opens the door, allowing stories to creep inside and haunt us. The scariest stories are true. C) AMAZON Genre: Mystery & Suspense Network: Amazon Premiere Date: Oct 13, 2017 Creator: Exec. Producers: News & Interviews for Lore: Season 1 Critic Reviews for Lore Season 1 Audience Reviews for Lore: Season 1 News & Features.

Top definitions related content examples explore dictionary british [ lawr, lohr. lɔr, loʊr / noun the body of knowledge, especially of a traditional, anecdotal, or popular nature, on a particular subject: the lore of herbs. learning, knowledge, or erudition. Archaic. the process or act of teaching; instruction. something that is taught; lesson. Words related to lore custom, knowledge, superstition, tale, adage, folklore, fable, tradition, mythology, legend, belief, information, doctrine, saying, saga, science, saw, experience, learning, teaching Words nearby lore lords temporal, lords-and-ladies, lordship, lordship of the isles, lordy, lore, lorelei, loren, lorena, lorentz, lorentz force Origin of lore 1 before 950; Middle English; Old English lār; cognate with Dutch leer, German Lehre teaching. See learn OTHER WORDS FROM lore loreless, adjective Definition for lore (2 of 2) lore 2 [ lawr, lohr. lɔr, loʊr / noun Zoology. the space between the eye and the bill of a bird, or a corresponding space in other animals, as snakes. Origin of lore 2 1615–25. New Latin lōrum, special use of Latin lōrum thong, strap Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Random House, Inc. 2020 Examples from the Web for lore According to lore, 145 of these original soldiers of fortune either fled battle or were captured and settled in the area. And the not-so-subtle winks to Batman lore will be enough to satiate hungry fanboys for now. With music by Leonard Bernstein, this iconic show has tunes like “New York, New York, ” that are part of American lore. The life of the club owner was something Leonard left behind, the noise and violence drifting into lore. Revel in Wild West lore at the Pony Express National Museum and Jesse James Home Museum in St Joseph, just outside KC. It is unfortunate that one so profound in Pophamistic lore should not express his ideas in clear and idiomatic English. And after they had taken up their residence there, many venerable ascetics endued with Vedic lore often came to see them. Already she is wise in the lore of women's ways, especially young married women who make a bid for the attention of gentlemen. He is a divine legislator, cunning in Runic lore, and the creator of mankind. He has spent much time and labor in going from village to village to collect the songs, the customs, and lore of the peasants. British Dictionary definitions for lore (1 of 2) lore 1 noun collective knowledge or wisdom on a particular subject, esp of a traditional nature knowledge or learning archaic teaching, or something that is taught Word Origin for lore Old English lār; related to leornian to learn British Dictionary definitions for lore (2 of 2) lore 2 noun the surface of the head of a bird between the eyes and the base of the bill the corresponding area in a snake or fish Word Origin for lore C19: from New Latin lōrum, from Latin: strap Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012.

It's also worth noting here somewhere that the concept of The Lady of Pain was drawn from a poem by Charles Algernon Swinburne, titled Dolores, or Notre Dame de Sept Dolours. Really interesting poem, and can lend some of the very much beyond you mystery to the characterization of the Lady. 00:37 thank me later. Doctor: You have 4 hrs of life Me: Watches this Doctor: Nevermind, aparently you've trascended humanity by creating a world throne and you're inmortal now. Something feared by both man and monster. Is it the paratoad.

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Everyone is on steroids.
Lore Free stream.nbcolympics.
So basically, the Jedi went from Space Buddhists to Space Samurai, and then to Space Navy SEALS, and finally, Space Knights.

I believe she either ate herself like her mother or was killed, a resurgent gondor under king aragorn would not tolerate such an evil to remain so near its borders. Lore Free stream. AKA: GAP Store Boss. Thanks! I am brand new to WoW and the expansions and the current BFA is completely lost on this gamer. This brings me up to speed. Lore movie free streaming. AGH CAN OPENERS. For other lore-related sections, see Lore (Disambiguation. Lore in the Warcraft series of games is a term used for "background story. The use of the term stems from Blizzard's snippets of "lore" for many of the multiplayer maps in their Warcraft RTS games, although how much of it has a relationship to the main Warcraft universe storyline is unclear. Major areas Edit Articles Timelines Retcons – changes in lore Locations Organizations, clans, factions, etc. Religions Magics Technologies Class lore Languages Sources See also Portal:Warcraft universe. Edit Besides the authors of the novels, manga / manhwa, and short stories, the primary authors of lore from Blizzard Entertainment: 1] The driving force behind the lore has been Chris Metzen. Though there's a team of lore and story/quest developers right now with folks like Dave Kosak ( Fargo" when at) running them. A lot of the brainchild of WoW's design came from Jeffrey Kaplan ( Tigole. Rob Pardo ( EnoYls. and Alex Afrasiabi ( Furor' Foror' and 'Valnoth. Michael Morhaime, Allen Adham, and Frank Pearce are all co-founders of Blizzard. Each can also be credited for the development of early Warcraft. Why don't we use the word "canon" Edit Canon is an oft-used term by Warcraft fans regarding official lore, specifically the fictional accounts in the Warcraft universe. This type of lore can be referred to as "canonical" lore. WoWWiki strives to have a neutral point of view on official lore due to it being rarely discussed by Blizzard, although examples exist: Chris Metzen has stated that some things are less canon than others, but he wants everything as integrated as possible. the novels are pretty much considered canon, ahm, the funny thing is that some things are less canon, you know, but we shoot for canon. that's a strange statement. we shoot for canon. but yeah, typically the characters in novels are canon. [2] A lot of times. depending on when one thing gets started during another, we happen to be in the middle of the game, or doing the manga thing for instance or this comic series specifically, we try to engineer as much inner play as possible. Like characters in the manga series showing up in Netherstorm and we are doing stuff like that, so we want to make everything feels as continuity friendly and as integrated as possible. Cuz that would make it cool as if all its moving, right. Chris Metzen [2] Metzen also stated that a character of the RPG books is not necessarily considered canonical: Im sure this will be controversial, but I dont necessarily consider her canonical, and based on that we haven't really had any plans of leveraging her in the future. Uh, I think she appeared in one of the RPG books, but you know she's just not a character I have thought about, so at this point I don't really know if we are going to do much with her. Chris Metzen [3] Because the use of the term is rare and mostly in interviews, and as calling something "canon" often precludes the possibility of discussion about validity and "truth" i. e., whether something in-universe is supposed to be gospel truth in that universe versus the more realistic stance of belief from a group's point of view) we avoid using this term to describe lore in the WoWWiki articles in order to keep a neutral point of view. While we cannot stop the use of the term "canon" in talk page discussions, the term is not allowed in articles. The only exception is when verifiable public quotes from actual first-party Blizzard employees (such as Chris Metzen) are allowed in articles, and then only if there are direct links to the sources of the quotes. For more on WoWWiki's lore policy, see WoWWiki:Lore policy. A library full of lore. Media Edit Video Edit WoW Pro Lore Episode 1 The Titans Machinima WoW Pro Lore, a machinima series of Warcraft's lore, from the beginning References Edit See also Edit Lore characters Lore links - external lore sources. Lore chat modification In-jokes and references Quick guide to Warcraft lore Story guide External links Edit Guides WoW Insider   A beginner's guide to getting started in WoW Lore   by Matthew Rossi Apr 19th 2012 8:00PM Lore WoW Insider   Know Your Lore: 5 influential moments in Warcraft lore   by Anne Stickney Apr 20th 2014 8:00PM Related sites BlizzPlanet   - Lore, interviews, news, and forum. Lore and roleplay of Warcraft   by (primarily) Richard “Tharion Greyseer” Powell WoW Lore TLDR   - One page interactive Warcraft history. News gameinformer   A Look Inside How Blizzard Maintains World Of Warcraft's Lore   by David Milner on Aug 14, 2018 at 09:30 AM WoW Insider   Know Your Lore: The problem with story progression in WoW   by Anne Stickney Jan 26th 2014 8:00PM WoW Insider   A fresh look at World of Warcraft lore resources   by Sarah Pine May 2nd 2013 12:00PM WoW Insider   Know Your Lore: Getting into the lore of Mists   by Anne Stickney Jul 29th 2012 4:00PM WoW Insider   Know Your Lore: The tangled web of future lore   by Anne Stickney Jul 1st 2012 6:00PM WoW Insider   Know Your Lore: The role of characters in WoW lore   by Matthew Rossi May 30th 2012 1:00PM WoW Insider   Know Your Lore: The curious dissonance of Alliance leveling   by Anne Stickney Apr 1st 2012 6:00PM WoW Insider   Know Your Lore: 5 remarkable relationships from Warcraft lore   by Matthew Rossi Feb 15th 2012 4:00PM WoW Insider   New Blizzard forum personality to focus on lore and story   by Mathew McCurley Feb 7th 2012 3:30PM WoW Insider   Know Your Lore, Tinfoil Hat: Destroying this clockwork universe   by Matthew Rossi Jan 11th 2012 5:00PM WoW Insider   Know Your Lore: Top 10 lore developments of 2011, part 3 [ spoiler]   by Anne Stickney Jan 15th 2012 4:00PM WoW Insider   Know Your Lore: Top 10 lore developments of 2011, part 2 [ spoiler]   by Anne Stickney Jan 8th 2012 6:00PM WoW Insider   Know Your Lore: Top 10 lore developments of 2011, part 1 [ spoiler]   by Anne Stickney Jan 1st 2012 6:00PM WoW Insider   Know Your Lore: Story development and why Theramore should burn [ spoiler]   by Anne Stickney Nov 20th 2011 4:00PM.

They need to make so many more of these. Beautiful, epic in the truest sense, and adding a layer to the storyline GoT deserves. Damn i cant stop crying. i had no idea homeboy scotty died! rip homeboy scotty. Okay, the constant cuts to you talking over just a picture of your logo has got to stop.

Lore Free streams. Lore Free stream online. I was reading through the titanfall wiki and found the page about regeneration and that got me thinking. For those who don't know what regeneration is in titanfall. the wiki describes it as: a mysterious process which certain Pilots may be invited to undergo. The exact process is not fully known, but the end result will "refresh" a Pilot's body, allowing them a number of combat enhancements to enhance the Pilot's rate at which they can learn and react to information. This process, however, comes at a large cost; the Pilot undergoing regeneration will lose some of their memory during the regeneration process, requiring them to learn skills" additionally there is in game text that goes as such. Years of battle have taken their toll. We can regenerate you. at a cost. Your body can be restored. But your memory and your will be lost. When you awaken you will respawn a generation Pilot. You will be better, sharper, acquiring experience even faster than before. All of this makes me think that maybe the respawning we see in apex is simply the next step in regeneration tech that now not only rejuvenates the body (explaining why their so ready for battle after respawning) but can bring a legend back to practically normal health from a nearly fatal experience with their memory intact. its also hinted that a pilots memory's and personality are stored digitally while the regeneration surgery is being performed (yes we know its a surgery) so maybe that's what banners are? and the syndicate just has the bodies healed ready and using the respawn beacon simply means sending the info from the banner to the syndicate so they can but their mind back and send them back to fight. (this banner stuff is a bit of a stretch but hey why not. Anyways sorry for the wall of text and i hopped you enjoyed the theory.

Image of whoever made this video Warframe players HATE HIM. The gameplay itself from what you've shown looks warframe-esque as far as abilities and weapons go, can you comment on that? It looks like a ton of fun and I want to preorder. Lore Free streaming sur internet. Lore Free stream new. When you gaze long into an abyss the abyss also gazes into you. Thought that was intentionally obvious.

YouTube. Lore Free stream of consciousness. LORE Your Movie Studio Private Alpha ALL GET STARTED 1 Sign up 2 Complete profile 3 Leave a note on a story 4 Use your 3 invites Top Creators. I mean it seems like Nilfgard is just an authoritarian expansionist dictatorship whose economy depends upon constant influxes of new revenue sources, with aspects of a theocracy and an oligarchy built in as redundancies should the current head-of-state prove themself unworthy, but hey- that's fictional countries for ya. - the body of knowledge, esp. of a traditional, anecdotal, or popular nature, on a particular subject: the lore of herbs. learning, knowledge. the process or act of teaching; instruction. something that is taught; lesson. Lore Inkubus Sukkubus "Wytches 2002. will tell our children of the ancient lore, at the moment of their birth. Isis Astarte Diana Hecate Demeter Kali Inanna HEX Seven Wytches 07/07/07 06/06/06 six six six Satan Within Temptation "It's the FEAR" fected with its rage, but it ends today. I found a Lore near the 'Black House' and it showed me history of what happened to it. The type of world and set of " rules " in the world of an umbra. Lores is a vegetable. He is the type of guy to sleep in his mum's bed because he doesn't know how to make his own. He will play browser games by himself at home instead of social interaction and don't try to approach him because he will just naruto run away. an eaxtreamly beautiful girl. with an amazing body. she has a vary confusing personality. she is all in all perfect even though she can be a bit confusing there isnt one thing to change "man lore is hot" damn lore has a nice ass " dsl " man i love lore so much" lore i love you.

Most Recent Episode Episode 135: A Good Death Feb 3 35 minutes We like it when things go according to plan. Even when it comes to death, we long to have some semblance of control over our path. So when those best-laid plans are disrupted by the unexpected, its only natural to assume the worst. This episode of Lore was sponsored by: Harrys: You deserve a great shave at a fair price. Get your free starter kit delivered straight to your door, which includes a weighted razor handle, moisturizing shave gel, a precision-engineered 5-blade cartridge, and a handy travel cover. Visit  to get yours today. SimpliSafe: Secure your home with 24/7 professional monitoring for just 15 a month. Visit today, and youll get FREE shipping and a 60-day risk free trial. Squarespace: If you're passionate about it, show it off. Build your own powerful, professional website, with free hosting, zero patches or upgrades, and 24/7 award-winning customer support Build your free trial website today at, and when you make your first purchase, use offer code LORE to save 10. Episode Resources: Episode Music: Episode Sources: Lore News: Read more » Episodes of This Show, Dec 23, 2019 36 minutes Dec 9, 2019.

Love you Eck old pal. I have never played this game. Not im interested im doing so. But your content is such top quality, i can't help but watch everything you upload. Lore Free stream new albums. Yaaay, love these. Lore free streaming. Why do even big titan battles still end with the giant diaper blueberry doing something important. Like please someone else in ultraman can get some light. My Homeboy Scotty did NOT die. That's what's up. Lore The scariest stories are true Genre Horror Mystery Drama Anthology Based on Lore Developed by Aaron Mahnke Gale Anne Hurd Ben Silverman Howard Owens Written by Glen Morgan Tyler Hisel David Chiu Patrick Wall Marilyn Osborn Jeff Eckerle David Coggeshall Narrated by Aaron Mahnke (Season 1) Composer(s) Chad Lawson Country of origin United States Original language(s) English No. of seasons 2 No. of episodes 12 ( list of episodes) Production Executive producer(s) Brett-Patrick Jenkins Howard T. Owens Producer(s) Howard Young Phillip Kobylanski Production location(s) Atlanta, Georgia Cinematography Stephen Campbell Editor(s) Christopher Kronus James Coblentz Devon Greene Eleanor Infante Production company(s) Amazon Studios Valhalla Entertainment Propagate Content Distributor Amazon Studios Release Original network Prime Video Original release October 13, 2017  – October 19, 2018 Lore is an American horror anthology television series developed by the creator of the podcast of the same name, Aaron Mahnke, with Valhalla Entertainment and Propagate Content. [1] The series airs through Prime Video [2] and follows the podcast's anthology format with each episode featuring a new story. The show combines documentary footage and cinematic scenes to tell horror stories and their origins, and features Robert Patrick, Holland Roden, and Colm Feore. The series premiered on October 13, 2017. On February 26, 2018, Amazon renewed the series for a second season. [3] The second season premiered on October 19, 2018. On July 27, 2019, the series was cancelled after two seasons. [4] Cast and characters [ edit] Aaron Mahnke as Narrator Robert Patrick as Reverend Eliakim Phelps (father of Austin Phelps) Holland Roden as Bridget Cleary Colm Feore as Dr. Walter Jackson Freeman II Kristin Bauer van Straten as Minnie Otto Cathal Pendred as Michael Cleary Campbell Scott as George Brown Adam Goldberg as Peter Stumpp John Byner as Patrick Boland Sandra Ellis Lafferty as Aunt Bridget Nadine Lewington as Johanna Kennedy Burke Kristen Cloke as Dr. Marjorie Freeman Broadcast [ edit] Lore debuted on Prime Video [2] on October 13, 2017. [5] Reception [ edit] Initial critical reception was mixed. As of August 15, 2019, Season 1 had earned an aggregate rating of 68% fresh" on Rotten Tomatoes, based on 25 critic ratings [6] Dread Central praised the series awarding it five out of five stars and saying "The only negative I can find is that there arent more episodes. Its just that good. 7] IGN gave it 9. 0 and said " It is a wonderful piece of entertainment for horror fans and casual viewers alike to learn more about the monsters we thought we knew so well. 8] Nerdist gave it 4 out of 5 burned heart burritos. [9] Episodes [ edit] Season 1 (2017. edit] Season 2 (2018. edit] References [ edit] "Amazon Picks Up 'Lore' Horror Podcast With EPs Gale Anne Hurd & Ben Silverman. Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved August 29, 2017. ^ a b "Amazon Orders 'Lore' Series From Gale Anne Hurd, Ben Silverman. Variety. Retrieved August 29, 2017. ^ Patten, Dominic (February 26, 2018. Amazon Renews 'Lore. Exorcist's Sean Crouch New Showrunner Of Horror Series. Retrieved February 27, 2018. ^ White, Peter (July 27, 2019. Lore. Forever' Cancelled By Amazon – TCA. Retrieved July 27, 2019. ^ Watch this teaser for Amazon's spooky new 'Lore' series. TechCrunch. Retrieved August 29, 2017. ^ Lore: Season 1. Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved August 15, 2019. ^ Lore (TV Series. Dread Central. October 23, 2017. Retrieved October 24, 2017. ^ Griffin, David (October 13, 2017. Lore: Season 1 Review. IGN. Retrieved October 24, 2017. ^ Beggs, Scott (October 13, 2017. LORE is an Unsettling Look at the Lives Behind Our Legends (Review. Nerdist. Retrieved October 24, 2017. ^ a b c Spencer, Samuel (September 25, 2018. Lore season 2 Amazon Prime release date, cast, trailer, plot. Express. Retrieved October 15, 2018. External links [ edit] Lore on IMDb Lore on Twitter.

And here I clicked the video expecting to watch some crazy airplane trying to tow an iceberg.

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Lore  1   (lôr) n. Accumulated knowledge or beliefs held by a group about a subject, especially when passed from generation to generation by oral tradition. See Synonyms at knowledge. lore  2   (lôr) n. The space between the eye and the base of the bill of a bird or between the eye and nostril of a snake. [Latin lōrum, thong. lor′eal (lôr′ē-əl) adj. lore ( lɔː) n 1. collective knowledge or wisdom on a particular subject, esp of a traditional nature 2. knowledge or learning 3. archaic teaching, or something that is taught [Old English lār; related to leornian to learn] lore ( lɔː) n 1. (Zoology) the surface of the head of a bird between the eyes and the base of the bill 2. (Zoology) the corresponding area in a snake or fish [C19: from New Latin lōrum, from Latin: strap] lore 1 (lɔr, loʊr) n. 1. the body of knowledge, esp. of a traditional, anecdotal, or popular nature, on a particular subject: nature lore; local lore. 2. learning, knowledge, or erudition. 3. Archaic. a. the process or act of teaching; instruction. b. something that is taught; lesson. [before 950; Middle English; Old English lār, c. Old Frisian lāre, Old Saxon, Old High German lēra; compare learn] lore 2 (lɔr, loʊr) n. the space between the eye and the bill of a bird, or a corresponding space in other animals, as snakes. [1615–25. New Latin lōrum, Latin: thong, strap] lore - Originally meant "the act of teaching" or a "piece of instruction, lesson. Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Noun 1. lore - knowledge gained through tradition or anecdote; early peoples passed on plant and animal lore through legend" folklore - the unwritten lore (stories and proverbs and riddles and songs) of a culture lore noun 1. traditions, sayings, experience, saws, teaching, beliefs, wisdom, doctrine, mythos, folk-wisdom, traditional wisdom the Book of the Sea, which was stuffed with sailors' lore. lore noun 1. That which is known about a specific subject or situation: 2. A body of traditional beliefs and notions accumulated about a particular subject: 3. That which is known; the sum of what has been perceived, discovered, or inferred.

Lore Free. English [ edit] Pronunciation [ edit] General American) enPR: lôr, IPA ( key. lɔɹ/ Received Pronunciation) enPR: lô, IPA ( key. lɔː/ rhotic, without the horse – hoarse merger) enPR: lōr, IPA ( key. lo(ː)ɹ/ non-rhotic, without the horse – hoarse merger) IPA ( key. loə/ Rhymes: ɔː(ɹ) Homophone: law ( in some non-rhotic accents) Etymology 1 [ edit] From Middle English lore, from Old English lār, from West Germanic *lairu, from Proto-Germanic *laizō, from *laizijaną ( “ to teach ”. Cognate with Dutch leer, German Lehre. See also learn. Noun [ edit] lore ( countable and uncountable, plural lores) All the facts and traditions about a particular subject that have been accumulated over time through education or experience. the lore of the Ancient Egyptians Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queen He to them calles and speakes, yet nought avayles; They heare him not, they have forgot his lore But go which way they list; their guide they have forelore. The backstory created around a fictional universe. 2018 March 6, Martin Robinson, “Dispelling the myths of Bloodborne”, in Eurogamer ‎ [1] You might have stumbled upon discussions of Bloodborne's lore - there are plenty of discussions about Bloodborne's lore - which can be more than a little dense and, to the outsider, off-putting. ( obsolete) Workmanship. Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queen (Can we date this quote? In her right hand a rod of peace shee bore, About the which two serpents weren wound; Entrayled mutually in lovely lore, And by the tailes together firmely bound [ …] Derived terms [ edit] terms derived from lore (noun) Translations [ edit] all the facts and traditions about a particular subject the backstory created around a fictional universe The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Wiktionary:Entry layout#Translations. Translations to be checked Etymology 2 [ edit] From Latin lorum ( “ thong, strap ”. lore ( plural lores) anatomy) The region between the eyes and nostrils of birds, reptiles, and amphibians. ( anatomy) The anterior portion of the cheeks of insects. lored Etymology 3 [ edit] Verb [ edit] lore ( obsolete) simple past tense and past participle of lose ( obsolete) simple past tense and past participle of lose, used in the sense of "left" Edmund Spenser Neither of them she found where she them lore. Anagrams [ edit] Orel, Orle, Orël, eorl, orle, relo, role, rôle Basque [ edit] Etymology [ edit] From Latin flos, florem. flower Declension [ edit] inanimate noun) declension of lore indefinite singular plural absolutive lorea loreak ergative lorek loreek dative loreri loreari loreei genitive loreren lorearen loreen comitative lorerekin lorearekin loreekin causative lorerengatik lorearengatik loreengatik benefactive lorerentzat lorearentzat loreentzat instrumental lorez loreaz loreez inessive loretan lorean loreetan locative loretako loreko loreetako allative loretara lorera loreetara terminative loretaraino loreraino loreetaraino directive loretarantz lorerantz loreetarantz destinative loretarako lorerako loreetarako ablative loretatik loretik loreetatik partitive lorerik - prolative loretzat Ido [ edit] From lor ( “ at the time of, at the same time as ”) ‎ -e ( “ adverb ”. IPA ( key. ˈ, ˈlɔ. ɾɛ/ Adverb [ edit] demonstrative adverb) then, at the time Ilu forsis la chefa pordo, iris trans la longa vestibulo e lore apertis la pordo dil koqueyo. He forced the main door, went through the long hall, and then opened the door of the kitchen. [ edit] lora ( “ then, now ”) See also [ edit] ita ( “ that ( person) ”) ito ( “ that ( thing) ”) iti ( “ that ( plural) ”) pro ito ( “ therefore ”) ibe ( “ there ”) tala ( “ such kind of ”) tale ( “ thus ”) tanta ( “ so much ”) Middle English [ edit] From Old English lār, from Proto-Germanic *laizō. Compare Middle Low German lêre, lêr, Middle High German lēre, Middle Dutch lere, Old Frisian lāre. Alternative forms [ edit] loore, lare, lar, layre, loare, lere, leyre, leore, lære ( Early ME, Northern ME) IPA ( key. laːr(ə) IPA ( key. lɔːr(ə) lore ( plural lores or loren) education, tutoring, mentoring; learning; the absorption of knowledge lore, knowledge, information, especially: 1407, The Testimony of William Thorpe, pages 40–41 And thei sauouriden so his loore that thei wroten it bisili and enforsiden hem to rulen hem theraftir… …taughten and wroten bisili this forseide lore of Wiclef, and conformeden hem therto… And herfore of Wicleef speciali and of these men I toke the lore whiche I haue taughte and purpose to lyue aftir, if God wole, to my lyues ende. ” ( religion) religious beliefs, doctrine, orthodoxy area of study, subject, topic, science ( rare) The foundations of a subject; the collected works on a topic. recommendation, suggestion, tip; admonition, exhortation, pleading A moral code; standards of conduct; a way of acting, standard. A demand, order, or task ( rare) knowledge, aptitude, competence ( rare) significance, value, importance ( rare) tale, narrative larðewe larew larspel loresman lorfadyr lorþeine Descendants [ edit] English: lore Scots: lare, lair References [ edit] “ lōr(e (n. (2) ” in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich. University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 2018-04-28. From Old English lor. loss ( losing something) loss ( having soldiers killed in battle) ruin, destruction, injury. “ lōre (n. (1) ” in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich. University of Michigan, 2007, retrieved 2018-04-28. Tarantino [ edit] Adjective [ edit] lore   m ( possessive, plural) theirs.


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